Ambassadors of Taste for the Global Gastronomy®
PHILIP KOUTRAS [Founder of Ambassadors of Taste® organization]
FUMIKO KONO [Food producer, Journalist & Cooking consultant, Representative for Japan, USA & France]
NOBUYUKI (NOBU) MATSUHISA [High End Gastronomy Innovator for the World]
CHRISTIAN KAREMBEU [Ambassador of LaLiga - Football Legend]
ZARMIK HALADJIAN [Celebrity Television Personality & Author of Culinary Books Representative for Qatar, Armenia and the World]
THOMAS LEATHERBARROW [International Executive Chef, Represenative for United Kingdom]
BRAD BENNETT [Founder of Le Culinaire Hospitality Institute, Representative for Australia]
CHANAKA FERNANDO [Executive Chef, Representative for Sri Lanka & United Kingdom]
ANTONIO HIDALGO PECELLIN [Chairman of Ibericos Casa Lucas corporation "Proclaimed the first best ham in the world", Representative for Spain and the World]
GARY BENTON [International Executive Chef, World Culinary Educator & Cooking Instructor, Represenative for United Kingdom]
NICKOLAS RAPSON [International Executive Chef, Represenative for Venezuela & United Kingdom]
​LALITH LENADORA [International Taste Expert, Tea Master & Tea Instructor, Representative for the World]
GUY RAVET [International Executive Chef, Represenative for Switzerland]
LEONID GELIBTERMAN [President of the International Center of Wine and Gastronomy (ICWAG, Russia)]
THOMAS A. GUGLER [President of World Chefs Association]​
ALEX UNTILA [International Executive Chef, Representative for Europe]
GÜNTHER KOERFFER [President of International Union of Bakers and Confectioners, Master Confectioner & Representative for Sweden]
ALEX SAMOILIS [Representative Chef for Saudi Arabia, Europe and Mexico]
ERIC PATEMAN [Consultant & Strategist on culinary tourism & Representative for Canada]
NIKOLAS LAIOS [Executive Chef, Consultant, Taste Expert & Representative for Austria & Europe]
BINOD BARAL [Consultant & Instructor Chef & Representative for Nepal & Asia]
JOHNNY GORIC [Taste Expert, Culinary Author & Consultant, Representative for Israel]
JOSE ANTONIO VIDAL [President of the Global Wine Tourism Organization GWTO and Representative for Spain]
TONY VRATSANOS [Executive Head Chef for (NOBU) MATSUHISA global group]
IZU ANI [Representative Chef for Dubai & world cuisines]
JOE BARZA [Culinary Consultancy for the world]
JUNIOR NADGE [ Culinary Consultancy for United Arab Emirates]
PARVINDER SINGH BALI [Author & Academic for International Gastronomy, Representative for India]
YURII KOVRYZHENKO [Executive Chef, Representative for Ukraine]
FRANCESCO ABBINANTI [Culinary consutant & Product specialist, Representative for U.S.A
RONY KAYROUZ [Executive Pastry Chef & Consultant, Representative for Lebanon]
​NARAYAN THAPALIYA [President of the Gastronomy Association of Nepal - GAN]
Dr VARINDER SINGH RANA [Department Chair, City University College of Ajman, UAE, Representative for India]
Dr SAURABH SHARMA [Executive Chef & Culinary Author for India]
MAHENDRA KUMAR KHAIRIYA [Executive Chef, Culinary Author & TV chef for India]
MASSIMO VIDONI [TRUFFLE MAN - World representation for truffle trading]
JEAN NASSAR [Executive Chef & Culinary consultant for Turkey]
ELIE LTEIF [Culinary Advisory for nestle UAE, Representative for UAE, Dubai]
SUGAR LEE [Executive Chef, Culinary advisor & Representative for Vietnam]
MILTOS KAROUBAS [Global Taste Expert & Representative for Greece]
HERVE PRONZATO [Executive Chef, Representative for International cuisine]
SALVATORE ANDOLINA [Executive Chef & Culinary consultant for Italy]
ALAN CLIVE PAYEN [World culinary judge, Author of cookbooks, Mauritious]
CHARLES AZAR [World Consultant Chef, Lebanon, Middle East, Gulf region]
GEORGES KHALIL [Taste Expert Representative for Dubai & Lebanon]
JEAN LOUIS CAPSALAS [French Culinary Representative & Consultant of world cuisines]
COSTAS PAPACHRISTOPHOROU [General Manager in High End Hotels & Resorts]